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Old 08-20-2015, 05:09 AM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Posts: 3,111
WarDog will become famous soon enough

Time for a small update.

After mounting all the frags, the only thing left on the frag rack were the Rastas, which were quickly getting out of hand...

... they were even growing on the stem of the plug.

Then, one evening, the RBTA was looking a bit weird. After a couple of hours, it split...

... and decided to go for a little walk. No harm done, whew!

Most folks seem to hate coralline, but I am welcoming it. Now it just needs to start growing more on the rocks.

Went to Cancun for a week and came home to a messy tank.

PO4 dropped from .03 to .006. Manually removed as much algae as I could, and added a sock to the sump.

Spent the last 2 days cleaning and doing a w/c. More work planned for the next couple days as well.

Not quite sure how to safely remove the algae from the snails.

Got these weird bubbly things everywhere (dead centre of pic). At first I thought it was bubble algae, but they are more tear drop shaped, and not dark green like bubble algae. Perhaps Trochus snail eggs?

Picked up an Emerald, but he's not interested in them. #freeloader. I actually think the SOB is flipping me the bird in this pic.

8 months running my first salt tank and I think I'm doing ok. Already wanting to upgrade (Rich... not one word from you!)!

Thanks for looking.
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