So about 3 years ago I built a 100 gallon breeding set up, which I have had great success breeding banggai's! Then after building my new house, I decided that I wanted to upgrade! So this is what I have done so far.

This is my 100 gallon breeding set up.




starting getting the tanks set up.

so I have a 180g display, 4 20g displays, 60g holding tank for RO. which u can see in the top right of picture. also have a 40g refuge, 40g saltwater mixing chamber, and a 35g sump.




sorry this pic is side ways lol


I have 3 jebo pumps have 2 12,000 and 1 6,000. The 2 12,000 feed my 180 and the 6,000 feeds my 4 20g.




I T off one of the 12,000 pumps and installed these quick connects. and then installed a bulk head into my fish sink. then I just hook up a hose to drain for my water changes.


then with the mixing tank I have a valve that goes directly into the sump gravity bleed. back to more plumbing

so after the 180 cycled I starting plumbing the existing system.



I used my sump from the 100g system and turned it into my Q.T.

this valve is from the RO tank so I can fill the mixing tank.
