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Old 08-19-2015, 06:23 AM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

Finally unpacked my test kits. DOH, I been back in this house since april.. through a few away after attempting to get results out of expired kits.

Po4 .07 I guess thats why my hair algae keeps on getting on.

the ok news PO4 out of my GFO reactor .01, and in my new water .00

I guess keep on pulling out the HA with the (as of late) frequent water changes, and stay on top of the GFO. I kind of think i probably had High phosphates the whole time i lived in sylvan lake but my now passed scopas tang was hiding any signs of it.
(tang didnt survive the rushed move home in winter temps)
Side note.. alk is low 5 in tank and 6 in fresh reef crystals(easy fix) and ca is high 500 in tank. My MG kit was one of the bunk ones. tanks a long way away from seeing fuzzy sticks again.
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