Fish addition... need advise....
Well after swapping around my tanks and selling a few fish everything was doing great... I have recently noticed that my two clowns were getting beat up..... I moved them to the sump....
What I observed was that my 3 Cherub (Pygmy) Angels are bullys!!! It is an aggressive male and 2x semi aggressive females that work together.... they are like wolf pack... all three get along nicely together but dont seem to like anything else.....
I need a new dominant fish for the tank.... that can hold their own against the three angels, provide a bit of a challenge for the angels and wont kill everything else.....
I am considering....
Blue Devil Damsel - same colors and might be a bit too aggressive...
Three or four stripe damsel - similar colors to my 2 Bengali Cardinals (which are peaceful).
Golden Domino Damsel - Different colors and might just do the trick - where to find one ?
Maybe a three spot damsel ?
Those are all damsels.... at the same time to ensure that there is a re-balance of power....
SixLine wrasse or a Pinkface wrasse ?
anyone got an agressive or dominant fish that they are getting rid of ?
Last edited by hfp75; 08-18-2015 at 08:32 PM.