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Old 08-17-2015, 09:07 PM
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GoFish GoFish is offline
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Thanks seabreeze for pointing out this product still works for this purpose. I tried once and failed and read somewhere the recipe for the product may have changed so gave up. I also found it a bit concerning dosing something in the tank higher than a level my salifert test kit can read, it only goes up to 1500. What test kit did you use to test actual levels above 1500?

A lettuce nudibranch did a very good job of keeping it out of sight but once I ran out of Bryopsis the poor little Nudi withered away and died a short time later. After its death the Bryopsis came back in all the same spots it was before so I don't think they're very capable at removing ALL of it

How many ml's of Tech M did you add per day and your tank volume? Or how many ppm per day did you raise it over how many doses by hand? You're clarification would be much appreciated
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