I don't know of anyone in Canada that sells them unfortunately. You can buy parts off eBay in the U.S. Or from a few websites already built. I have 2 that were custom made in Europe, they took quite a while to be built and arrive, both were declared as flashlights and weren't opened by customs fortunately. I think there's a bit of a grey area of the law, if they were declared appropriately not so sure they would've have arrived.
As far as killing Aipatasia, the higher the power the better it seems to work. I don't get a lot of practice with them as I rarely see any but when they pop up the laser makes quick work of them, the higher power one just does the job faster. I cook them completely so they look like white mush and make sure there are no tentacles left in tact to spread. It's also best if you can get the foot at the same time (direct line of sight). Honestly I find mixing kalk powder with water, injecting them with the flow off and get them to swallow it is just as affective
That laser in the video looks to be about 1 watt? I'd go higher than that. The higher the power the shorter the duty cycle the shorter the batteries last. But you can lengthen the duty cycle by getting ones with larger heat sinks, preferable in copper, and larger batteries. One of mine weighs close to a pound.
Things I've killed include,
Vermitid snails, Aiptasia, Majanos, Coraline, zoas, feather dusters, bubble algae, some type of brown algae and some other things...
I use it selectively, for example if there's a baby Aiptasia in the middle of a zoa colony I'd rather use kalk in a syringe instead of killing the neighbouring zoas at the same time. Whatever I kill is at least 1/8" away from any coral I don't want to harm, but the further the better to make sure.
They're lots of fun, however
blinded with direct or even indirect light in milliseconds
permanently. Get good quality safety glasses meant for the light range of the diode! You can also be burned by the laser bouncing off the glass of the tank and hitting bare skin so I hold it as close the glass as possible. If you want to burn something from above the tank, all flow must be turned off otherwise the light scatters too much to accomplish anything. You could probably also blind your fish, but so far I haven't seen any I'll effects on them as they stay well away from it.