FS - all livestock (cheap) - BURNABY
I didn't get any takers on selling my whole setup so I'm parting it out. I need this all gone within a week, thus the cheap prices. Discounts if you take multiple items. I'll try to post some pics later but here is a list. There are a bunch more smaller frags that aren't included that I'll probably just give away.
Located at Canada Way and Boundary
2lb rock with some red monti on it - $15
Acan Enchinata (4l heads) - Organe Crush - $10
Acan Lord (3 heads plus a bunch of smaller ones coming in - $15
Actinodiscus (Blue/Purple) - lots $5-10 for a few
Aftermath War Aussie (in great shape) - $15
Blue Tang (Medium) healthy - $30
Favia Dragon Soul (in decent shape) - $10
Green Dendro (5 or 6 heads) - $20
Kenya Tree (good size) - $10
Montipora Setosa (Orange) - $10
Neon Green Candycane (4 heads) - $15
Ocellaris Clown x2 - $20 for both
Orange shrooms (3 good size) - $10 for all
Puple and Green Favia (great shape) - $15
Rainbow Monti - $15
Rhodactis (Green Fuzzy Shroom, tons on a rock) - $10
Rhodactis (Green Hariy Shroom) - $10
Ricordia Yuma (Puprle/Green) - $20
Unknown plate or meteor coral? - $15
Various mushrooms (Brown/Green/Red) - take some for $5