Ive been cleaning out my tank almost all of my LR is in my sump with the exception of 2 pieces one covered in SPS frags and the other with my anemone in it. Im vacuuming out all the sand and detritus and have new rock structures currently "cooking" in a rubbermaid. one is a large archway with some branches off the sides and front for mounting corals and the other is a pillar and once those are done Ill make a 2nd pillar so my tank will have a big arch and 2 pillars and the rest can sit in my sump.
once the DT is completely empty the sump will get totally cleaned as well.
its kinda nice having a mostly open display I actully see my fish! seems they used to spend all their time just hiding.
Im up in the air about what to use for substrate in my new adventure into full SPS, I tried the BB and after a few months wasnt impressed with the look so added sugar sand which is the look i prefer but not practical for a full SPS tanks flow. I may go with larger crushed coral/sand but the more black substrate tanks I see the more it grows on me. not sure what it would do for coral color tho.
side note for a 4x2x2 would a snapper return with 2 reactors off it and 2 jabeo RW8s be enough flow or should I get a 3rd RW8? rockwork will be an arch on 1 side a pillar in the middle and a pillar on the other. shouldnt have a problem with dead spots as basically only 4 rocks will actually be on the tank bottom or sandbed. im thinking Ill need a 3rd RW8 based on the turnover # but flow seems to be good everywhere right now.
i have a CL system piped and a snapper pump running that but its crapped out so wondering if i should spend $350 on a new pump or just a 3rd or at the very most a 4th RW8? atleast the powerheads give random flow the CL is just constant flow at high wattage compared to the power heads
80"x36". 300G custom build
Owner of Mountain Ridge Heating and Gas
Class A gas fitter, HVAC
Last edited by e46er; 07-29-2015 at 05:37 AM.