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Old 07-23-2015, 06:13 PM
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DCDN DCDN is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 171
DCDN is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Frags Calgary

I have a few frags left over from my last sale as well as a few new ones. I also have a few colonies I can trim back a bit as they're getting to big again.

1. Red Planet Frags $20-$25
Have a couple frags that have turned green from in my sump for $15

2. $20-$25 Fresh Cut Frag

3. Meteor Shower Frag $15-$25

4. $20

5. $20

6.$20 Frag

7.Birdsnest $15 Fresh Cut

8. Birdsnest $10 Fresh Cut

9. $15 Fresh Cut

10. Duncans Smaller$20 Larger$30

11.GSP $10 Fresh Cut

12. Green Trumpet Coral $25

I will be available this weekend and probably most of next week
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