Originally Posted by canadianbudz604
Seemings as how I'm bored today and there's another thread about some shootings, I'll tell you guys some stories about living in Compton. I mean Surrey. All the stories are true, probably not supposed to be funny but what the hell.
#1. Come out one morning to go to work at 5am and there's a bum sleeping in the backseat of my car. (Doors stay unlocked so junkies don't smash windows)
Tell him to gtfo or I'll call cops.
#2. Wife wakes up at 230am in morning to find 2 bastards on my roof staring in my window. Cops
#3. Cat has poop house and it gets full. Put poop house outside and someone stole it.
#4. I've gotten at least 7+ pairs of shoes/work boots stolen of front door step in broad daylight.
#5. Walk dog at Surrey lake, come back put dog in house, go to get rest of stuff out of car. Guy in car stealing change. Chase him to a fence, he jumps fence in 2 steps. I jump through fence panels (too lazy to go over). He's crying and running, cops called. Cops catch douche 2 blocks away.
#6. At Safeway with daughter. Man comes running out door with security in chase. Asshat runs daughter over and receives high kick in the lips from me. Got one l!!! cops called.
#7. Outside drinking beers at 130am. Man parks next to my car and starts injecting heroin and talking in devil tongue. I tell him to gtfo. Man pulls gun and points in face. Cops called.
I could go for hours. Probably shoulda moved years ago.
Holy crap ! Your in the wrong part of Surrey . You gotta move !!! I love Cloverdale . Except for the shooting last night 😒