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Old 07-06-2015, 12:12 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Calgary,AB
Posts: 476
Roskoreef is on a distinguished road

ok update, what i did in the last few days,

first thing, put on socks....later in the day put on filter socks,

-took all the branch out that was holding up the eggcrate, stuff collecting around it..put some magnets from frag racks underneath the corners, works ok..

-turned up flow on gyre 130 in frag tank to 100%

-manually removed as much algae as possible, blew off any cyano, and left bubble algae alone in both tanks

-30hr blackout in frag tank

-then reduced light in frag tank to 6hrs T5 - 7 Bulb

- feeding way less, target feeding corals without flow...have been feeding less cyclopeeze and am considering not feeding it a all. Im pretty sure all the deitrus in both tanks is moestly cyclop...

-halved feeding amout in main tank

-after feeding i have been doing daily 10 gallon water changes and vacuuming up anything.

-halved additive dosing for this week, will stop most completly for a bit... it doesnt feel right to cut off most of what i was dosing for the last while, Ithing the corals would probably be better tapering off everything.

results -

Brown slimy stuff in frag tank pretty much gone, i think the eggcrate is "new" maybe could be the reason of the brown stuff.

cyano has come back a little bit here and there, i just keep blasting it whenever i have time, seems to be under control-ish.

bubble algae remains the same..all over in small batches, not really growing but it would take another 5- 10 crabs to get it done i think.

As for possibly considering dropping UV, i dont have a sand bed at all anymore, what else would be anti-zeo?

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