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Old 07-03-2015, 04:00 PM
reefwithareefer reefwithareefer is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: abbotsford
Posts: 252
reefwithareefer is on a distinguished road

Do not mean to hijack or anything, but has it ever been considered to hold these meets at a reefers home? The reason I ask, is that I am new to this hobby and have tons to learn. I would think that newbies would benefit by having the experienced reefers see their tanks and offer advice. I know I personally would fork out some cash for beverages and food to glean that expertise. If it was held at an experienced reefers home everyone would get to see some pretty cool stuff, so newbies could see different setups and why, while experienced reefers could see things like rare corals to trade, or different light setups etc...

Anyways, was just wondering.
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