Originally Posted by maron6977
Good luck to Ya . Wish I coulda joined .
I love beer & reef talk !!!!
Sorry Mark
I checked with all our regulars before posting the thread, and we all agreed on the date.
Once the suggestion of changing the date came into play it was all good until one of our regulars couldn't make it.
So, for this time anyway, we'll have to stick with Saturday.
Before I posted this thread, I checked with our core group of regulars, and waited 'till they all responded ... including you Laurie! You know I've known you the longest out of the group ?
Anyway, once we've set a date where ALL of the core members can attend, I'm not going to deviate from that date if someone can't make it.
So, I put my foot down and, this time around anyway, the date is firm for Saturday the 8th of Auqust.
Maybe in September we could have 2 meets .... Saturday
and Sunday
There's nothing stopping you peeps that can't make Saturdays from starting your own meets ...
Pick your location, a pub, and a time. Post a thread .....