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Old 11-01-2004, 01:30 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
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Default Re: Frags

Nov 1 update:

Richer - wants LPS, mushroom or zoo frags, has frags for sale:
- xenia
Harvey - wants sps frags
Al - has frags for sale:
- Digitata: green, light brown with cream tips, or dark brown with purple tips. 10 bucks.
- Catspaw: all gone
- Monti cap: light brown with light pink rim. 10 bucks.
- Would gladly trade for acros or milli.
Rory - wants sps frags
Leeanne and guest - wants mushrooms, has for sale:
- green star polyps
- two big hermit crabs. 1 blue legged other brown legged. Coraline colored shell. Trade or $5.00ea
Stan - has frags for sale:
- purple mushrooms
- red mushrooms
- pulsing xenia
- green Montipora
Dave - has frags for sale, all unmounted except the mushroom:
- Blue tip Stag fast grower $15:00 for frags. I have lots of this one!
- Violet tipped fuzzy mushroom (flourecent green with actinics) with some purple tip digitata growing on the same rock $20.00
- Purple tip Digitata $10.00 (needs 10K lighting or better)
- Green Digitata $10.00
Beverly and Chris
Jim and Karen
Beth and guest

If anyone is bringing guests, please let me know.

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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