Thanks to everyone that contributed
Other than the traffic delays everything looks like it went well. containers didnt leak and we had ample room for the salt
we left van at about 1230, and arrived at eds place i think it was 1130? there was an hour delay getting out of vancouver, accident in the west bound lanes led to about 4km of rubberneckers going east bound. another half hour going around a jackknifed canfor truck on the coke after a tiny little blizzard, and about 90 mins of 60km/h through rogers pass on account of the fog.
Edmonton to Vancouver was about 11 hours taking 16 to 5 to 1, Vancouver to Calgary was 11 1/2 hours including the delays.
heh, the speedo only went over 125 when i was passing. The only pee breaks are when the truck needs a drink every 800km or so

and i dont like turning my cruise off
Anne, my apologies i couldnt get more of your order into the truck. we had to pull some weight out of the top row of rubbermaids. the lids we're starting to cave just sitting on J&L's floor.
and im sorry i couldnt meet Deb and anne, just have to wait for the next time
thanks again all