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Old 07-01-2015, 04:34 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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Location: Burnaby, B.C.
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gregzz4 will become famous soon enough

Mine is along the same lines as Brad ... no more hauling buckets for me here either. Back said enough ...
I started off with an RO drum @ the back of the house and hauled buckets to the front, and waste water to the back of the house.
Then, after 3 years, I bought some hose and used a pump to fill my mixing tank. Next I modified said hose so I can pump both ways.
I now have a setup (very soon to be configured) in my sump room so I can pump RO water into my sump room drum, fill my mixing/ATO tanks from said drum, use a third drum to pump waste water into, and pump it all down the drain @ the back of the house.

Why didn't I do this years ago
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