This was the first tank, An oceanic 180 Bowfront. It looked good, but never really filled out the space I had built, so I wanted to "upgrade" right away.
I did not need a center post with the 180..
When I got the 290 gal, I added a 4x4 post in the center for better support.
After a month or so, I checked the header and it had not deflected at all, so I took it out and started the closet doors and shelves.
I started this 2 weekends ago. It took a day to complete.
I salvaged some solid wood doors from a job I was on and made them into shelves. The closet doors we cut down to fit the opening, then I trimmed it all out.
I finished all the electrical wiring and and plumbing etc for the tank and closet, so the canopy and lights were the next to attack...