I suspect that when you tightened the male adapter into the bulkhead you may have broken the silicone seal between the bulkhead and the tank. Another possibility is the bulkhead was cracked and when you tightened in the male adapter you opened the crack. If the rubber seal on the bulkhead is OK you should not need to silicone the bulkhead to the tank. Bulkheads do tend to loosen over time as the rubber compresses so they need to be re tightened occasionally. Probably once a year to be safe and do NOT over tighten as you can crack the bulkhead nut.
A better recommendation would be to get a 1" mip/barb fitting. If you can't find them locally I can get you one. I may have one in my parts bucket but it would be more in shipping than the part is worth. I also have 1" bulkheads in case the bulkhead is cracked.