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Old 06-27-2015, 04:29 AM
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Default GVRD Saturday August 8th Monthly Social Meet Town Hall Pub Coquitlam

Warren and I have decided to skip July, and the rest of our regulars agree. This time of year everyone is 'outdoor' busy and we feel (his suggestion - I agree) every 4 weeks is maybe a bit too intrusive on peoples' summer fun.
So ...

Sat Aug 8th @ 2pm 'till ... ? We usually go a couple hours.

Town Hall Pub Coquitlam

If you can't make Saturdays, feel free to make suggestions for up-coming meets. We will take suggestions under consideration.

And for those of you unaware of what we're doing;
It's just food, drinks, and hangin' out with fellow Canreefers. Food and drinks are not mandatory - just hang out
Talk about your stuff, ask questions/get advice, share advice/experiences/phone pics, have some good laughs with some great peeps and generally just get to know some of your fellow local members/put a face to a name.

It's always a good time so join us
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