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Old 06-25-2015, 11:48 PM
reefwithareefer reefwithareefer is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: abbotsford
Posts: 252
reefwithareefer is on a distinguished road

Oh for crap sakes...Now I have to envy two tanks??!!

I am not sure how or what I can do to make my water better. I bought a magnum 350 and got my hands on some actual DE to make a diatom filter, but have not set it up yet...

My parameter are..
avg 76 degrees
Dose alk, ca and mag and use schlobster bulk
I use API and Salifert test kits.
CA is around 450
Alk is usually around 12, but went down to 9 over a few weeks, before I realized doser was jammed
Mag is 1350
Salinity is 1.025
PH was always around 8.1, but started ozone for 8 hrs a day thru skimmer and it has been avg 7.9 for a month
Ammonia is 0 or just slightly higher,
Phospates are 0 or slightly higher .015
Nitrate is 0

I use IO reef crystals
Run 2 to 3 cups of GFO
Skimmer outlet dumps into 5 or 6 cups of carbon
Skimmer is a BK 250 supermarin.
I have a 40 watt UV that goes on at night for 4 hours as well.

I have a mixed reef of SPS, zoas, softies, mushrooms and 10 fish in a 290 gal with a 125 sump

Last edited by reefwithareefer; 06-26-2015 at 12:01 AM.
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