Originally Posted by Myka
Take a look at Green Lipped Mussels. When I was raising Clownfish that ingredient made a huge dfference in fecundity. If you check out health benefits of Green Lipped Mussels it's not hard to see why.
I did a little googling and could not come up with a nutritional analysis for Green Lipped Mussels. I did come up with this info which is quite interesting.
From the webpage:
Owing to their short life span and their low position in the food cycle, krill are unlikely to accumulate toxins in their body and in fact many people prefer krill oil over traditional fish oil for this reason. Although the green lip mussel also has a short life span and a low position in the food cycle, it feeds via filtering. This type of feeding involves passing large amounts of seawater through the body. Consequently, filter feeders have a tendency to accumulate toxins in their body.
Both Euphasia superba and Euphasia pacifica are considered Krill. Since Pacifica Plankton is Euphasia pacifica I don't think adding Green Lipped Mussel's is necessary, especially in light that they tend to accumulate toxins while the Pacifica Plankton do not. As an added benefit Pacifica Plankton are from BC's coastal ocean waters.