I was asked by several people at the recent Vancouver meet to put up an update to my tank so....... I finally put in my metal halides a couple of days ago and I officially have a reef tank ...... but sadly I've very few corals at this time.

This is the "BEFORE" picture of the tank in July
And this is now:
It has three-sided viewing which gives me the viewing pleasure from the kitchen with:
and the view while lying on my couch:
Thanks to Mason (Son of Skyline) for a lot of the live rocks that I have. As you can see, I don't have too many corals so PM me if you have any frags that you would like to sell.
The giant skimmer I built is working just marvelously
and i've added a DJ88 calcium reactor to the sump system in my basement
I don't know how so many of you can all keep all this equipment in a cabinet under the tank..... I have enough problem keeping my sump room clean.
Reminder to PM me if you have some frags that will do well under 250W metal halides.
For those who are currently setting up their tanks, I hope you have as much fun as I had putting mine together. Lessons I learned:
1) do it slow and take your time
3) measure once, twice then cut... especially acrylic cuz its so expensive
4) change or remove the price tags from the items you buy for your tank before you bring it home (if know your other half is already home)
5) Pay cash if your other half maintains the credit card bills
6) Remove the outer plastic bag that your livestock is in if you buy it from JL's because they write the price on the bag with a black marker

got me in so much trouble when I took out the bags for the two blood shimps at $25 each
7) have fun doing it
Chin Lee