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Old 06-09-2015, 12:24 AM
guitarjeffy guitarjeffy is offline
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Oh how presumptuous.

Why oh why you would assume that we aren't at least as diligent as you is beyond me. We had a file fish. Didn't work. Nor did the chemicals nor the boiling water injections nor the nudibranchs.

Why you cant see as the entire reefing community has already seen that its smarter to not introduce the pests in the first place as well as its far more environmentally friendly not to rip into coral reefs for rock but instead to mine it from the earth.

You miss the point entirely. Im looking for some Zoanthid frags. The rest was just harmless idle musings. Got n e ?

Nice Reef!! Thanks I will!!
65 Gallon FOWLR, 15 Gallon Sump, 4*36 T5

Last edited by guitarjeffy; 06-09-2015 at 12:25 AM. Reason: Reef had some frags!!
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