Thread: Alge issue
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Old 06-07-2015, 02:44 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
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I'm starting to get a really though GHA as well in my newer tank. It's a lot harder to pull off than when I had my old tank and it wrecked havoc on all my corals. Took many hours but I was able to remove a lot and increase my Gfo n it has slowed down a lot. I wish I was able to keep sea hares. I bought 3 in the past and all died within days but they were chomping down on GHA like mad. First 1 died by my brain coral trying to swallow it alive during the night. Didn't know they could do that and my next 2 was eaten alive by my cleaner shrimp lol. Each time it ruined my tank water and was bad for my corals. Vinegar/vodka dosing does help as well U should try. Now where can I get 1 of those black blennies lol.
My 110g In Wall Tank Build
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