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Old 06-06-2015, 02:58 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Saskatoon, SK.
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Myka will become famous soon enough

So if the tank's been sitting there so long, what's the rush now? I assume it's dry rock then since it's been sitting there too? The Prodibio Start works quickly with dry rock. Keep your lights off while it's cycling too.
Originally Posted by jazzywashbuckler View Post
Your posts are the best for newbies, I have thoroughly enjoyed. Wow do you really write all that or cut and paste. Hope I'm not being rude.
As long as you're not being sarcastic, it's not rude.

I type 70 WPM, so typing a bunch doesn't take me long. When I'm on my phone (like now) my replies are shorter.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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