I missed this thread until Gregzz4 mentioned it last night...
I am in the same boat as I started zeovit with my new 120 - read a bit through my thread although I haven't updated it in a while...
What kind of rock are you using in the tank and how old is it?
Also I've noticed when starting zeo, the system can be quite shaky and that's most likely due to the change in the type of bacteria.
I started with dry rock from Eli and could not be happier with the quality and how it all turned out.. my tank is only 6 months old and its algae free (besides some valonia which I don't know I will attack this)
What kind of sand are you using? was it dead or live? with Zeo its recommended to run dead argonite sand as it helps with the reproduction of beneficial bacteria.. live sand can be very problematic with zeo
what is your dosing schedule/rocks/carbon and how big is your system (net)... are you running the reactor on a on/off every three hours? how many stones and what flow?
Also keep in mind in marine aquariums patience is key... only bad things happen over night in this hobby and sometimes you just need to wait things out
What does your zeobak smell like and how do you store it? I also recommend getting a bottle of Coral Vitalizer and dose that as well as it doesn't add Nitrates/Phosphates to the tank.
Casual reefer