Originally Posted by Aquattro
Such a sore spot, but funny we're both going through it. 6 weeks in so far, just starting to rebuild today. Cabinets 6 weeks out 
ya no kidding! And here's something funny.. when I came home to my flooded kitchen the first thing I did was google for a clean up crew to come in and help with the clean up. I found a local company and right on the front page of their website they had a picture of a dishwasher completely overflowing and flooding a kitchen. I thought to myself, holy crap I pitty the guy that has that happen to them! I guess that guy was you.
Our entire kitchen has been torn down as of yesterday. Today I think all the flooring in our house gets ripped out. Friday i have a meeting with my insurance adjustor to decide what the rebuild process will look like. In the meantime we are eating out a lot and making the kids lunches and eating breakfast in their bedrooms