Diatoms are showing up good now. Here's another little clip from tonight. Diatoms are definitely more visible than in the clip...
Got my Reef Octopus RODC 3500s skimmer pump today. Thanks Ray! It doesn't match the skimmer body input tube - but I knew that. Nothing I had on hand fit the 32mm thread on the pump. By dumb chance I happened to notice a piece of thin wall, non pressure rated 1/2 PVC I had laying there. Turns out it fits perfectly inside the pump housing and inside the input tube of the skimmer. And the inside of the pipe diameter is still larger than the inside of the pump volute discharge.

The total run from pump to skimmer body is less than 6" so I'm not even worried I might lose any flow.
Ran it in the sink for an hour or so with vinegar, another hour with fresh water, then into the sump it went. We'll see if it produces any skimate by morning...