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Old 05-29-2015, 06:40 AM
Taipan Taipan is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Posts: 312
Taipan is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up A visit to the Show that is Big.....

I had the opportunity to drop by yesterday evening and it was figuratively and literally a Big Show. The build/re-build of BigShow's main Display and new Coral Vats/Coral Room is worthy of the "BigShow" brand. I purposely waited until renovations were nearly complete and the systems were up and running for awhile before dropping by......with the appropriate house warming beverages of course. In fact, if I had waited an extra day; there would have been new couches to enjoy the view. I'll just have to wait for the beverage station to be installed for my next visit.

Here are some teaser pics from my visit. Enjoy.

I also had a very close look at the mushrooms currently being offered. The answer is "Yes" the pictures posted are very accurate of colour and texture. The water flow and reflection was just a little too turbulent for a decent picture. Apologies.

A TON of colourful corals and fish all around.