I can't speak for the larger centres but here in PG the hobby is picking up with about 30-50 serious hobbyists with about another 60 or so who are dabbling or considering getting into the hobby so I would say here it is thriving.
However like anyone not in a major centre we suffer from not having a proper SW store and we have to order virtually everything in from the major centres which if you don't know who or what is available can definitely lead to issues.
With that being said I think that the hobby is increasing as it is becoming more affordable and it is becoming more accessible to the masses and with improvements in tech and survivability makes it easier than ever to keep a SW tank. Even with the restrictions in place of certain corals and fish more and more are going to ORA raised which I am a huge supporter of and although ORA raised is somewhat limited breeders and growers of coral are finding ways to make even the hard to maintain fish and coral survive and even breed.
When one door closes another opens so while the hobby goes through a transitition I believe that in the short term you will see retailers jump ship but those that stay will become stronger and I think you will see the hobby expand more outside the major centres.
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....