All this gear just came out of storage, as such, I need to clean it. Will negotiate if you can take as is. It was all rinsed before going in, but still has alot of coraline on it.

Acrylic - Drilled - Scratched (48x24x20.5) (100 gallon) $150

Glass - Non Drilled (30x12.5x17.5) (30 gallon) $40

Glass - Single rear overflow - Drilled (72x29x26) (220 gallon) $600

Glass - Dual rear overflow (48x24x24) (125 gallon) $400
Really needs a cleaning
Acrylic (38x18x12) (38x18x19 with trays) $75

Glass (20x10x12.5) $40

Acrylic (24x10x14) $50
I have some protein skimmers and pumps which I will post later.