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Old 05-24-2015, 10:28 AM
tony_3a tony_3a is offline
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Location: abbotsford bc
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Default 6 vs 8 foot, is it worth it?


I am just looking to get some opinions of 6 vs 8 foot tanks both would be 24+ deep and 12-18 tall. I have multiple frag tanks and I am looking to consolidate some of them. Just looking for opinions on the fish in the tanks, will fish be a lot happier/enjoy the space with the extra two foot? It wouldn't be too heavily stocked, just fish to do work. I will be considering a red sea sail fin tang, regal tang, fox face, doliatus rabbitfish, a couple wrasses and maybe a copper band.

Basically just wondering if you think its worth the hassle. Two fixtures vs one, skimmer size, water changes and salt....and so on. Right now I have a great deal on a 8 foot tank and I am pretty set on that, any thoughts/opinions would be appreciated.

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