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Old 05-23-2015, 02:29 PM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
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daplatapus is on a distinguished road

Unfortunately, living where I do, 90% of my fish are bought unseen.
I've been in J&L while a new person was being trained and I discreetly shadowed them a bit as they were talking in the isle. And it's actually one of the things that kind of impressed me with their on line sales. The one girl mentioned to the newbie that because the people who are ordering either over the phone or online can't see the exact fish they're buying, to be sure to take the time to catch and give the best specimens that they currently have in stock. People who come to the store can either choose to purchase or refuse any particular fish, but not online sales.

If that's how they're teaching new employees to treat online sales, I'm good. I would have liked to have been notified they were THAT small, but I can understand how that detail might slip through some cracks.

I did contact them via e-mail as soon as I got home and found the second deceased fish (so roughly 24 hrs) and they contacted me back within an hour or so apologizing and saying if I e-mailed them a pic of the dead fish they'll credit my account. While it still sucks for the fish , as a customer they still have my business. And it's also educated me a bit to maybe ask a few more questions before I get them to bag and ship livestock for me.
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