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Old 05-19-2015, 03:11 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
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sphelps is on a distinguished road

Judging by the beers you like it seems to me you've just become accustomed to crappy beer which will pass in time . The best beer you'll find will probably be from your closest micro-brewer, good beer rarely gets exported. So besides the real big names the German beer you get here will actually be pretty crappy over there. What I would suggest is to stay away from ales, those probably contain the flavors you aren't overly impressed with, to lager drinkers these are referred too as off flavors and undesirable. A good lager will be clean and crisp without such flavors favorable in ales, so try some micro lagers but be picky and avoid things like dark or black lagers. Also note many micros won't even brew lager due to the extra complexity involved in the fermentation.

That said be weary of internet articles targeting beers as being unhealthy. There are many that are completely made up which virtually no truth what so ever(the top 8 list comes to mind). Check the author, if it's some generic username you know its BS as a real journalist would put their real name on it.

Last edited by sphelps; 05-19-2015 at 03:16 PM.
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