Thread: Cyano :(
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Old 05-18-2015, 09:40 PM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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My cyano is completely gone now however it wasnt straightforward with the chemiclean.

I did the first clean as per the manual, basically everything off with an airstone running for 2 days. However after the 2 days I wasn't satisfied so I went another day. Removing the chemiclean seemed easy, 1 water change plus carbon and the skimmer was running again within a few hours.

However the cyano wasn't gone just reduced. I waited a week or 2 and did another 3 day treatment. This time was vastly different. The cyano was completely gone after 3 days. However removing it from the water was much more difficult. It took 3 water changes, new carbon and allowing the skimmer to overflow for around 10 days before it returned to normal and started skimming again.

Much harder on the second run than I thought but its gone and the chemiclean appeared to have no affect on coral or fish.
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