Originally Posted by daplatapus
But... I have to admit, there's a micro brewery beer made on Granville Island that's actually pretty good. Not sure if you can find it in Saskatchewan though.
Originally Posted by Wretch
One of my favourites right now is Deschutes. They are from Oregon with a wide selection beers. Should be able to find something you like.
I'll take a look for these - thanks guys!
Originally Posted by Aquattro
Seriously, you don't drink a lot of beer, and the ingredients in the beer you actually enjoy are not going to harm you. Just enjoy your fave brew and relax 
I go to the health food store just to buy non-GMO corn and popcorn, I order meats from a local grain-free farm, and then I drink Coors Light. Uh, that just doesn't make sense. Also, with all due respect, you have no idea if it will harm me or not. You don't even know if it will harm yourself. I don't know how you can go through life these days without being health-conscious.
Did you know that GMOs and GMMOs are a Class 9 UN3245 Dangerous Good if they continue to have the ability to alter biological substances? Obviously, things like GMO corn are (somewhat) inert in this fashion (according to "them") and are exempt.
This is from the US, but these regulations cover US, Canada, and Europe. Maybe other places too.
GMO’s are divided into the following categories:
1. Those that meet the definition of an infectious substance. These must be classified as either Category A or Category B.
2. Those that meet the definition of a toxic substance. These must be classified as Class 6.1.
3. Animals that contain or are contaminated with GMO’s that meet the definition of an infectious substance. They must not be transported by air unless exempted by the States concerned.
4. GMO’s which do not meet the definition of infectious substances but which are capable of altering animals, plants or microbiological substances in a way which is not normally a result of natural reproduction. These must be classified as Class 9 (miscellaneous dangerous goods) and assigned UN 3245.
The following are exempt from these Regulations:
- Substances containing micro-organisms which are non-pathogenic to humans or animals e.g. Class 1 GMO's.
- Substances transported in a form whereby any pathogens present have been neutralised or inactivated such that they no longer pose a health risk e.g. substances fixed in formaldehyde.
- Environmental samples (including food and water) which are not considered to pose a significant risk of infection.