So.. i had a few problems with my ato while in sylvan.. no more sticks. same problems killed one clam that i picked up... moved back to leduc... problem ato died in the move.. so did some of my last few fish and one shrimp. rushed unplanned move.. had no choice.
just over a month later.. things are looking good.. new fish settled in... almost tempted to get some cheap fuzzy sticks again. I wont be working on the road again for a while.. i just got put on disability while i wait for an operation.. dammed work wont put me on modified duties... it kind of sucks as im going to be pretty broke.. but on another note.. i will have lots of time.. perhaps time enough to tackle....
the 105 i got from Wayne ... 3 years ago now?
if i can get it built and holding water.. then i will build a nice stand for it.. then.. it might be time for fuzzy sticks again
Might have to start a new tank journal as well.