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Old 05-12-2015, 01:49 PM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
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Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
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daplatapus is on a distinguished road

Thanks guys! I'm pretty stoked with how it's come out.

Cycle seems to be slow, lol. 3 full size frozen prawns were put in there on April 29th. They are all but gone. I've ghost fed the tank a couple times as well with Mysis. Here's the parameters so far:
NH3 - is down to zero - API test - it has been up to .6
NO2 - is zero - API test - has never read anything
NO3 - is zero - API test - has never read anything

PO4 - continues to be present - Hanna checker - I've had it down to as little as .06ppm but typically sits around .1 - .12 ppm despite dosing roughly 30-40 drops of Fozdown per day. 100% dry rock so I pretty much expected this. I may increase fozdown dosing to 30 drops 2X a day. I've also kept my lights off to help prevent anything from taking hold in the first place.

I had also noted when filling my tank that one of my pumps isn't working correctly. I am using 2 Wavelike DC1200 pumps. Many moons ago, I bought these pumps for this build. It was soon discovered by others that the controller would burn out so RLSS sent me and FragitDan new controllers. I've not had a chance to test any of them out till now. Well I stuck one of the old controllers on one pump (seeing how it was brand new) and a new controller on the other. Well, the older controller out performed the new by at least 2-3X the volume. I was barely getting anything out of the new controller controlled pump. I switch through all the new controllers and they were all the same. I'm pushing almost 14' of head so a weak pump for me might as well be a dead pump.
I contacted RLSS and they got back to me within a few days and said to send them the serial numbers of the controllers and my shipping address.
They contacted me again and said new controllers were on their way. So I'm pretty happy about that.

I've read of guys using Microbacter7 and similar products. Does that work effectively? If I dumped a bottle in there, would that speed up the cycling process? Any other recommendations?
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