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Old 05-07-2015, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
No wonder they lost the war.

Meh... a helmut that expensive isn't worth it IMHO (even $130). I always used cheap ones and had no complaints... but to each his own.
You, my son, have never had to wear prescription glasses behind a helmet long-term, have you ... or have you ?

I'm welding all day long right now, and I mean 8 hours straight. Included is all the smoke/fumes etc. I'm wearing a snorkel setup on my face mask under my helmet, ear plugs because I'm burning 3/8-1/2 welds and comfort/visibility is a MUST. You come hear what I'm welding for a few minutes and you'll agree you need earplugs. Then you'll see the smoke ...

Helmet quality is not something to skimp on in this situation, especially when I'm building bases that support 7-11,000Lbs.
And our Engineering Dept expects our measurements to be withing 1/16"
No wonder so many guys in our Production crew don't want to build bases.

I'm doing OK at it.

Good thing this is just the Random Though Thread or I'd feel bad for posting
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