Originally Posted by hillegom
I have the optrel e680
Love it, although I have not used it for a while. Presently not welding.
Sorry, don't want to sell it.
It has a battery. If the helmet is idle for months, you just place it by someone else's welding for 5 min and you are good to go
Revenue Canada gives u a tool allowance. You get the form and have your co sign it. Not $ for $ but the deduction helps
Wholeee crap that's an expensive helmet !!!
Thanks Dietmar
I can't deduct with the government as I don't spend enough per year. I looked into it a couple years ago and would never qualify as you need to spend a large minimum to get just a few cents back.
BUT, I do get a work tool allowance thingy. I get half back up to $400/year so a $200 helmet purcase is only $100 next January