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Old 05-07-2015, 02:48 AM
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Default Calling all Welders Lower Mainland

Hey all,
Due to circumstances at work I'm our fab/welder for all the big stuff - at least for now.
The shop has a half-decent Miller auto-dark helmet but it's a pain to go get it every time I need it, and return it when I'm done. So, I'm in the market for my own.

It'll be used for mainly mig, but sometimes with a tig piggy back and I'm welding up to 1" plate.
I want an auto-darkening helmet (yup I'm a wuss) but the thing is I'm still getting used to my new prescription glasses and I can't pick a lens yet. So auto is a must for now as I need the adjustability for light/dark.
I don't care about the grinding/cutting feature but it will probably come with it.

I also want a larger viewing area as I'm wearing bifocals, so the larger the lens the better. IE 2"+ not 1-7/8" height.
It will also need to have a battery backup. I see many are solar powered with battery assist.

There is a Lincoln 2450 Viking on sale @ KMS right now for $130 off and selling for $170. Is this a good buy ?
Is there somewhere else in the Lower Mainland I should be looking for something like this ?
I don't want junk, but I don't want to spend $3-400 either.

Thanks for any help guys/gals
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