So I was cruising reef central and fell in love with a tank on there. It was 144"x15"x15". Anyways to cure my multi tank syndrome I convinced my wife to let me do a similar tank. It cost me getting her another dog, but hey, we all know this hobby costs.
So I ended up with a 120"x16"x18 rimless. 3 side viewable mixed reef, front pane starphire.
Because of where it's sitting I didn't want cords and power heads everywhere so I went closed loop. Two sumps, one being filter socks, to skimmer, to return. Another "sump" that contains an a to chamber and a fuge that drains into the main sump. Main sump is 54" long and the ato/fuge is 48".
Return pump is a DCT-12000. Closed loop, there will be two loops each run by a DCT-12000. Being adjustable, having the ability to adjust the power and eventually control through an apex will be nice.
Skimmer is a Bubble Magus curve 9. Possibly a bit on the big side but I like fish so...
Stand is still being finished. Water won't go in till it's finished as we all know that if water, fish and coral go in it is unlikely to get properly skinned.
Lights are still up in the air. It will be a t5HO/LED combo. Am going to try 5-7 AI primes lined with 48" t5ho bulbs. 4 bulbs for sure, possibly 8, we will see. I will be building a hanging/floating canopy. House is a little rustic so it will be made of reclaimed wood.
Bit of a ways to go but happy to have it here in the house.
And now what we all care about, pics.