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Old 05-04-2015, 05:44 AM
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rishu_pepper rishu_pepper is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Coquitlam, BC
Posts: 358
rishu_pepper is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
That tank is looking super awesome, well done.
Originally Posted by gmann View Post
amazing looking tank
Thank you for the compliments. Still lots of room for improvement.

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Looks awesome Brian , told ya it would all work out in the end you and your wife seem very happy with thprogress as well the system looks like its well on the way to a home run

Are you going to clean up the wires for the radions ? A piece of some sort of channel be it aluminum or plastic or even a pie of PVC painted black ran cross the top of the lights to your wall and down would hide your cables and get rid of the sag

Only thing missing now is.......zoas lol

Cheers buddy looks awesome

Good idea about cleaning up those Radion wires. I'll leave the DIY stuff for when my wife comes back from Europe.

There's a good amount of zoas, but nothing mindblowing yet. I'm waiting to win the next Concept tank journal contest so I can use the store credit to buy them from you

On the advice of Myka, I took the female snowflake out of the tank and into the QT, it was being a huge bully to the other two clowns and I was fearing for their safety. They all love the sebae and think the RBTA is invisible...

Speaking of the RBTA, does anyone's RBTA shrink up every night like mine does? When the Radions ramp down, the RBTA would become much smaller and hide in the shadows of its rock every night. Not sure if that's normal or not.
Custom 165g Peninsula FOWLR
Fluval M40 Nano

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