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Old 05-03-2015, 02:34 PM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
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Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
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daplatapus is on a distinguished road

So I'm sure to everyone's chagrin, I'm starting this baby up totally wrong, lol. All dry Marco rock, dead shrimp and all

3 frozen prawns were chucked in there Wed. They are at the point now of falling apart and disintegrating. Checked ammonia levels with an out of date crappy Hagen kit. Says it's somewhere around .3.
Nitrite and nitrate are both 0 still.
For giggles I checked PO4, Thurs it was at .06 ppm so I put in roughly 30 drops of Phozdown. Yesterday checked it again and it was at .1 ppm. Looks like PO4 is leaching from the dry rock and sand. So I dosed another 30-40 drops. No lights or anything yet on the tank so I figure what can it hurt. I'll try and get the PO4 down before I do much with it.
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