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Old 05-02-2015, 08:23 PM
Kiznik Kiznik is offline
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Thumbs up FS: Edmonton-Starter equipment: 2x10 gal tanks, 2x Powerhead 301 pumps, 1x Mag 7 pump

When I first started a saltwater tank 10 years ago I got a lot of help and a lot of reasonably priced equipment from members of this forum. Thanks Canreef. Now I have a few items I don't need any more and I'd like to offer this collection of equipment to someone starting out, or if not, then just to someone that will be able to put it to use. I'm located in downtown Edmonton.

Here's is a list of what I have along with the approximate value. I'd like to see everything go together for $50.

Powerhead 301 Pump - $10
Powerhead 301 Pump - $10
Mag 7 Pump - $30
10 gallon tank - $10
10 gallon tank - $10
Old Skool Protein Skimmer - $0
PVC, tubes, drains - $0

Please post or message if you're interested for a yourself or a friend. Everything is located in downtown Edmonton, and I'd prefer if it could get picked up any time weekend or Monday.
- Kiznik

Last edited by Kiznik; 05-02-2015 at 08:27 PM.
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