I like the idea, but the contraption appears to be something that will need replacing often. I guess at $24.99 it can be semi-disposable.
Originally Posted by Pike
Its made out of PVC. . There's some debate about PVC leaching toxins. I dont know much about it , just remember reading it some where
Considering most of our tanks are plumbed using PVC that would be quite a concern. PVC primer and the solvent glue are both very toxic, but they off-gas quickly and once they are cured all that's left is just plastic.
From the PVC Pipe Association,
PVC pipe is one of the safest and most tested materials used in North America. For over 60 years, every aspect of its production, use and disposal has been evaluated and approved by government and independent certification and testing agencies.
It meets or exceeds all required health and safety standards and regulations governed by the U.S. and Canadian Safe Drinking Water Acts and other international statutes. Its use is monitored by independent agencies like NSF International – and government bodies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ensure its safety through mandatory regular testing.
The PVC Pipe Association even mentions saltwater aquariums,
PVC is approved for use around the world in water distribution and transmission, consumer products and medical applications. It is so safe that it is used for intravenous medical tubing, and it is the pipe of choice for ecologically sensitive environments like salt water aquariums, which must use the most inert and safest pipe materials available.