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Old 04-25-2015, 03:00 PM
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corpusse corpusse is offline
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Location: Mississauga
Posts: 394
corpusse is on a distinguished road

The sandbed is around 7" maybe 7.5 Initially I had it slopping further but they do sometimes go on the shallower side. I had it up to 11" initially but when I moved the tank I replaced the sand and did not add as much. I think anything over 6" is okay but I recommend going deeper if you can. Also the tank does not have as much live rock as it normally would so the dsb also offers filtration.

I sometimes think about the jawfish as they are really cool. The little 2 spot goby does a very good job of keeping the sand clean and he's barely over 1" I also have a big male Mandarin who's super shy for some reason and a Yasha goby with a pistol shrimp that have a cave in the back. All the fish are secretive less the firefish.

You can certainly keep corals with them but it's just a lot more work. I gave up worrying about cyano and algae and nitrates and just feed the eels enough. Especially at first they are very skittish and you have to feed them a lot because they are scared of the food. Now I can get away with 1 big feeding a day but I often feed them twice.
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