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Old 04-25-2015, 01:38 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Love the Discus! I thought this was supposed to low maintenance though, don't Discus require frequent water changes? Or is that just for spawning? I've never kept them.
Well I'm no expect but from what I know they require good water quality which doesn't necessarily mean high maintenance. The nutrients are kept in par by the plants which also use up the water which is replaced with new RO. I also monitor nutrients with conductivity and it's been decreasing with all the new plants, and with no water changes meaning I'll need more fish especually with more plants. Even if water changes are needed it's freshwater so basically just drain as needed and let the top off do the rest. Also for the discus in general these are all captive bred so hardier than wild caught which is likely where most of the complications come from. For instance a lot of discus articles state a ph requirement of around 6.5 to 7 while all these were raised in Calgary tap water with a ph typically over 8.

Overall it's been pretty easy so far, time will tell but compared to what I'm use to I'm pretty otimistic.
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