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Old 04-24-2015, 08:43 PM
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smokinreefer smokinreefer is offline
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hey guys,

so I've got things slightly narrowed down, if were able to do the renos we want, my tank will be in the main living room, against a wall. if not, it'll be a peninsula between the family and dining room. either way it'll be 180-240gallons.

so as I don't have things finalized to design tank etc, what I can use some help with is equipment.

the first couple things i'd like to decide on is lighting and a skimmer.

i'm not quite sure if it'll be open top, or have a "canopy" that makes the tank look "in wall" if you know what i mean.

any suggestions on slick fixtures? i like the idea of "showing off" a pretty fixture, but i do not like the idea of light blasting/bleeding into our eyes, especiually if tank is in living room.

any suggestions on some slick fixtures, hybrid or other?

as for skimmer, i'm thinking i'll want to go oversized, mainly because i'm wanting to go sps dominant, and i like fish, and i tend to feed heavily...

let the games begin!
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