Picked up a 12g jbj nano cube to use as a quarantine tank. Hid it on my wife in my hobby room downstairs. Im sure she will find it at some point, but i'll just tell her I picked it up with the M90...
Ive been testing my tank everyday and am at 0 amonia, 0 Nitrite and Nitrate is at 10ppm for the last 4 days. I am starting to see my white dry rock turn a darker shade with a few prominent darker patches. I feel I may have too much rock in the tank and am thinking of removing a huge piece. (36g tank with 50 plus lbs of rock)
The stco fluval ps1 protien skimmer is so loud its starting to drive me nuts. Have been reading a vew reviews on quieter units and am planning on switching to one sooner then later.
My tank is super small compared to all the ones i'm reading about. I can only immagine maintenance and water changes on such large setups. I feel like setting up a sump room in my basment, but I guarantee ill be single if I try